If you have been keeping an eye out for availability of the Samsung Note 4, you’re just going to have to continue keeping a look out because it’s not available for purchase until mid-October. However, if you happen to be one of the many multitude of people who are wanting to get your figurative place in line to pick up Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4, then you’ll be golden.
The preorder page for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 has been turned on and can be found here. For those of you who might be wondering which version of the Note 4 you will be able to preorder from their site, you can get either the regular old-school Note 4 sans edge, or you can take a chance on something new and go with the Note Edge. Keep in mind, though, if you are also interested in picking up one of Samsung’s VR headsets you will want to pick the Note 4 as opposed to the Edge.
Depending on your service provider, you will want to head either to the AT&T website, Verizon website, or the Best Buy brick and mortar nearest you and get your order in. Sorry T-Mobile customers, you’ve been left out in the cold until next Wednesday.
The Samsung Note 4 promises to be one of the better built devices from Samsung in recent history, so if you are looking for an upgrade or are just wanting to get into the latest and greatest, this is the perfect time to do so!
[Source: Samsung]
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